Saturday, 10 May 2014

BITS&BOBS all-matchas!

Ever felt that melted feeling? Ever thought to express them towards desserts? - Lady Andrea

Hello! heheh i was struggling during my exam and couldn't update anything here, but actually now i have more than 3 stocks of review!
my next one is...


Some of you may don't know, because this one is not that familiar like my previous posts, but the taste is.. reaaally no joke.
what makes me curious was the Green Tea Larva Cake. i've tried for a couple times the Chocolate Larva Cake at the other places, but it was my first time trial for a larva cake that popped in mind as 'something melted' and 'something warm', but tasted Green Tea.
Yes, you can say it might be because the Green Tea has reached its highest level of satisfaction, people are searching for everything matcha-s, and deeply in love with them, and even when i wasn't Matcha person, i should admit that this kind was captivated my eyes -a-bit ;)

First, the location is pretty.... good but bad. Good because Foundry8 is happening and well-known right now, but bad because of the traffic, but good to know, that there's such a good meal beyond the traffic.

A design and decoration was also good. I love how they placed their name and how they make it feel classy and warm.

snapped by: Lady Andrea

When i first arrived, the waitress gave me a menu and its was something that caught my eyes.

Their quotes; snapped by: Lady Andrea

For me, expressing thoughts through the words are such a good thing, i could feel the emotion while i read this at the top page of their menu. So, if you respect the creativity, you'd better watch out my review down there:)

And they split the room into two dining areas, smoking and no smoking. It was a small thing that has a big concern, for me, because it shows that they do care.

Smoking Area;snapped by: Lady Andrea
No Smoking Area; snapped by: Lady Andrea

And of course, what i ordered was...
The Green Tea Larva Cake!

snapped by: Lady Andrea

Served with the Vanilla sauce and nuttiesh green tea ice cream, and it was really fresh from the oven (obviously seem from the super hot cake), and once it melted...

snapped by: Lady Andrea

IT was a Green Tea sauce and it melted realllyy good, i was going to record when it was melted but (hehe) have been too excited :P

The ice cream fits perfectly with the warmth from the green tea larva, the only thing that concerned me was the taste is a little bit flat because they are all Matchas, i mean, if one of them (maybe the ice cream or the outlayer cake) was Vanilla or Chocolate, the taste would be mooore unforgettable. But overall, i love BITS&BOBS Eatery. So. Much.

Visit them when you can't resist the curiousity for any longer,
The Foundry no.8 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Lot.8
Kav 52-55, Jakarta Selatan 12190
CP: 021 51401011, 021 51401012

Photos and Review by:
Lady Andrea


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